Michael Dietlinger

Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Nürnberg

Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg


Although Michael Dietlinger works with painting, the main focus of his work is printmaking. Working with classical linocut and woodcut techniques, connected with 20 th-century avant-garde art, he creates extensive series of prints. Formally, Dietlinger has been working towards a greater level of purity, in particular in his series of linocuts from the past two years, where the figure is reduced to a simple shorthand image using one bold color that contrasts sharply with the white surface of the paper – an effect further emphasized by asymmetrically placing the image’s main motif towards the edge of the paper. Thus placed within the “infinity” of the white space, the objects are torn out of their natural context, as if the artist wanted to force us to look at these otherwise banal objects – objects which we encounter every day – as if we were seeing them for the first time.
Marcel Fišer


*1975, DEU


2005 – 2010 Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg (Prof. Peter Angermann)
2009 - 10 Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg Prageu (Prof. Jiří Lindovský)

2007 Founder of Kunstverein Hase & Moos e. V., Nuremberg

Gründlich Gemütlich, Galerie Ederer, Nürnberg
Art Karlsruhe
Mit Piraten unterwegs,Blaue Nacht, Nürnberg
Tecktopisch, Kornhaus, Kirchheim unter Teck
Oder, Kunstforum Weinerei e. V., Nürnbeg (solo)
Schüler vom Schüler vom Beuys, Joseph Konsum, Leipzig
Uamo Art Festival, München
One Day Art Show, Cooper House, London, England
Entkernen, Galerie Destillarta, Roßtal
Dunkelwerke, Lothringer 13, München
Unter Druck, Akademie Galerie, Nürnberg
Drei unter einem Nenner, Galerie Arte Nobilis, Regensburg
Tier und Mensch, Ausstellungsprojekt der Stadt Nürnberg
Druckgrafik und, Kunstverein A.K.T., Amberg
Alles muss raus, Kunstverein Hase und Moos, Nürnberg
Hoppla Druckgrafik, Dizzys Galerie, Nürnberg
Artvent, Kunstverein Bernsteinzimmer, Nürnberg