Denis Handschin

Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Basel

Academy of Art and Design, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Basel


Denis Handschin’s installation consists of two simple two-by-two meter cubes placed against each other. The first acts as an aviary that will house several white chickens for the duration of the exhibit. The second resembles a typical gallery, i.e., it is a perfect embodiment of the sterile white space that the art world calls white cube. The eggs laid by the chickens roll into the sekond cube, where they generate a random, constantly changing geometric composition. The work thus humorously reflects two important tendencies in the history of post-war art: minimal art on the one hand and action art involving animals on the other – from Jannis Kounellis’s legendary exhibitions in the 1960s all the way to Carsten Holler and Rosemarie Trockel’s A House for Pigs and People, which became a symbol of documenta X in Kassel in 1997.
Marcel Fišer

*1981, CHE


2005-2009 HGK FHNW, Basel

Exhibitions, performances, projects
Da, Kunstraum Irbis, Samedan (Kat./Einzelausstellung)
Kunstfenster, Museum Rehmann, Laufenburg (Einzelausstellung)
Ping Pong, Miami-Basel, M56, Basel Goldenes Kleeblatt, Kaskadenkondensator, Basel
Entrée des artistes, M56, Basel
Shift-Festival, Münchenstein
Ernte, Kunstfreilager, Münchenstein (Kat.)
Diplomausstellung, Messehalle, Basel (Kat.)
Künstlerhaus S11, Solothurn
Item Kunstpreis, Ulm
Art Competition 09, Galerie Claudine Hohl, Zürich
Querfeldein, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Goms (Kat.)
Ernte, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal (Kat.)
Shift Festival, Münchenstein
Nein zur Kunst, ja zur Liebe, Wirzhaus, Basel
Regionale9, Kunsthalle, Basel
Zaungäste, Kunst im Tierpark, Liestal
I am a Groupie, Schalter, Basel (Kat.)
Trabant, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Act Performance Festival
Theatre Grü, Genève
Kaskadenkondensator, Basel
Dampfzentrale, Bern
Projektraum K3, Zürich
Regionale8, M56, Basel
Treibstoff 07, Raum 33, Basel
Claire Obscur, Imprimerie, Basel
Museumsnacht, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
Act, Ost Quai, Basel
Vordiplom, Billerbeck, Allschwil
Galerie Automatique, Basel
Gruppenperformance, Schalter, Basel
Basis Thesis, Billerbeck, Allschwil
ArtLounge, Ost Quai, Basel

2010-2011 Atelierstipendium, IAAB, Cristoph Merian Stiftung / Pro Helvetia
Johannesburg, Kapstadt